History ・歴史

Chronology of Japanese History

(There is a lot of history (!), so this is an on-going project)

Before circa A.D. 300 (Prehistory)

Diluvial 洪積世

Joumon 縄文時代
c 10,000 BC  New Stone Age - Joumon pottery, chipped and polished stone and bone tools.

Yayoi 弥生時代
c 300 BC Yayoi culture emerges with the introduction of wet rice cultivation

c 184 BC A nation called Yamatai, ruled by a woman called Himiko, mentioned in the Chinese history Wei Zhi - Himiko's power extends over more than thirty regions.

c. 1 AD Japan mentioned in Chinese historical documents as the "Land of Wa", composed of a number of states。

239 Himiko sends an envoy to the kingdom of Wei

c. 300 - 710 Kofun Period 古墳時代

c. 300 Rice cultivation, bronze and iron introduced from the continent. Stone and metal tools used and Yayoi pottery produced.

350 The Yamato Court established by this time. Continental culture begins to be introduced from the Paekche kingdom by Korean immigrants. (Paekche - one of three kingdoms into which ancient Korea was divided before 660.)

538 Buddism introduced to Japan when the king of Paekche sends envoys with Buddhist images and sutras. (disputed date)

552 Traditional date for the introduction of Buddism to Japan. An earlier date (538) is preferred by many scholars.

587 Soga no Umako kills Mononobe no Moriya.

593 Prince Shoutoku appointed regent for Empress Suiko.

603 Twelve cap rank system established with the Yamato court.

604 Seventeen Article Constitution drafted - legitimizing the Yamato state and the Emperor's supreme authority.

607 Ono no Imoko appointed leader of the second embassy of Sui China.

630 First embassy sent to Tang-dynasty China.

645 Taika reform initiated after the Soga family's dominence of the court ends with the assassination of Soga no Iruka by Prince Naka no Oe (and others). Emperor Tenmu ascends the throne using the rein name of Taika. The start of the use of era names.

680 Emperor Tenmu constructs Yakushiji.

701 Taihou Code of laws completed - establishes a single code for the whole nation.

708 Wado Kaiho - first Japanese coins minted (和銅開珎)

710 - 794 Nara Period 奈良時代

710 Capital moves to Heijokyo (modern Nara) - city modeled on the Chinese capital of Chang-an.

712 The Kojiki(古事記) Japan's first official history compiled by O no Yasumaru and Hieda no Are.

713 Provincial governments are ordered to compile regional records known as fudoki. (風土記)

720 Nihon Shoki (日本書紀) the first of the Six National Histories is compiled by Prince Toneri and O no Yasumaro.

723 Law of Three Generations or a Lifetime put into effect.(三世一身法)

733 Regional surveys Izumo fudoki completed.(出雲風土記)

743 Konden Einrn Shizai Hou put in place.

751 Kaifuusou(懐風藻) the first anthology of poetry written in Japanese (the Chinese style) complied.

752 Ceremonies held at Todaiji temple to commemorate the completion of the Great Buddha.

754 Ritsu Buddhism introduced by Chines monk Ganjin.

c. 759 Man'youshuu(万葉集) first anthology of waka poetry and written in man'you-gana compiled.

784 Capital moved to Nagaokakyou.

788 Saichou founder of Tendai Buddhism establishes the temple of Enryakuji.

794 - 1185 Heian Period 平安時代

794 Capital moved to Heiankyou (modern-day Kyoto)

801 Subjugation of the people in Northern Japan

805 Saichou (Dengyou daishi) introduces Tendai Buddhism (disputed date)

806 Kuukai (Koubo Daishi) introduces Shingon Buddhism

823 Kkuukai, founder of the  Shingon sect, appointed abbot of Touji

866 Fujiwara no Yoshifusa estabishes himself as the first non-imperial regent

894 Abolition of Japanese envoys to China

905 The Kokin Wakashuu (Collection from Ancient and Modern Times) is completed(古今和歌集)

935 Ki no Tsurayuki writes the Tosa Nikki (The Tosa Diary) in native kana syllabary

935/9 - 940 Rebellion by Taira no Masakado in the Kantou region

c. 996 Sei Shounagon's Makura no Soushi (the Pillow Book) is in circulation

c. 1008 Murasaki Shikibu's Tale of Genji has been written

1016 Fujiwara no Michinaga seizes power

1051 - 1065 Earlier Nine years War: Minamoto no Yoriyoshi destroyed by the Abe family of northern Honshuu

1053 Construction of the Phoenix Hall completed at the temple of Byoudouin

1069 Emperor Go-Sanjou estabishes the Office for the Invstigation of Shounen Documents

1083 - 1087 Later Three Years War: Minamoto no Yoshiie destroyed the Kiyowara family in Northern Honshuu

1087 Emperor Go-Shirakawa abdicates and the system of "cloister government" is established

1156 Hougen Disturbance / War: leading members of the Minamoto family were sent in to exile

1159 - 1160 Heiji War: Taira no Kiyomori destroyed Minamoto no Yoshitomo

1167 Taira no Kiyomori is madea a grand minister of state

1175 Genkuu (Hounen Shounin) founded the Joudo (Pure Land) sect of Buddhism

1180 Taira-Minamoto War begins (Gempei Wars)

1185 Annihilation of the Taira at the naval battle of Dannoura

1185 - 1333 Kamakura Period 鎌倉時代

1185 By imperial decree, Minamoto no Yoritomo is given the right to appoint provincial constables and estate stewards -Kamakura government established

1191 Eosai, founder of therinzai sect, returns from China and begins to advocate Chines Zen Buddhism

1192 Minamoto no Yoritomo assumes the title of Seiitai Shougun(征夷大将軍)

1203 Houjou Tokimasa assumes the office of regent, establishing the Houjyou clan's authority
Buddhist sculptors Kaikei and Unkei screate a pair of guardian deities housed in the great South Gate at the Temple of Toudaiji

1205 Shin kokin wakashuu (New Collection from Ancient and Modern Times) 「新古今和歌集」is submitted to the throne by Fujiwara no Sadaie and others

1212 Kamo no Choumei completes his essay Houjyouki (An Account of My Hut, 10 foot Square Hut)「方丈記」

1213 Shougun  Minamoto no Sanetomo compiles the  Kinkai Wakashuu 「金槐和歌集」poetry anthology

c. 1218 Early version of the Heike Monogatari (the Takle of the Heike)「平家物語」 is in circulation and is destined to become one of the most popular war tales

1220 Monk Jien writes his critical history of Gukanshou「愚管抄」- revising it after the Jyoukyuu Disturbance

1221 Jyoukyuu Disturbance - (承久の乱 )fought between the forces of Retired Emperor Go-Toba and the Hōjō clan, regents of the Kamakura shogunate, whom the retired emperor was trying to overthrow.

1224 Shinran completes the Kyougyouushinshou (A Collection of Passages Revealing the True Teaching Practice and Attainment of the Pure Land)「教行信証」 - Joudo Shin Buddhism Sect is established

1227 Dougen introduces the teachings of the Soutou sect of Zen Buddhism from China

1232 Gose Shikimoku (The Formulary of Ajudications) is put in force

1253 Nichiren establishes the Nichiren sect

1274 A force of around 40,000 Mongols attempts to invade northern Kyuushuu
 (Bun'ei no Eki) 「文永の役」

1279 Ippen the founder of the Ji sect, starts preaching the "dancing nembutsu" 念仏踊り」

1281 A second force of Mongols, estimated at around 140,000, attempt a second invasion (Kouan no Eki)「弘案の役」

c. 1330 Yoshida Kenkou completes the collection of essays Tusrezuregusa  (Essays on Idleness) 「徒然草」
c. 1330 Azuma Kagami written 「吾妻鏡」

1333 Overthrow of the Kamakura government (bafuku)(幕府)

1333 - 1568
 Muromachi Period 室町時代

1334 - 1336 The Kenmu restoration

1336 - 1392 period of the Northern and Southern Courts

1337 Emperor Go-Daigo escapes to Yoshino and establishes the Southern Court

1338 Appointment of Ashikaga Takauji as Seii Tai Shougun (征夷大将軍)

1356 Nijo Yoshimoto compiles Tuskuba-shuu (the first collection of renga poetry)菟玖波集」

c. 1370 Taiheiki - chronicle of the Northern and Southern Courts written「太平記」

c. 1370 Fleets of Japanese pirates pillage  Chines and Korean coasts

1392 The unification of the Northern and Southern Courts

1397 Ashikaga Yoshimitsu begins construction of the Kitayama-dono (later Kinkakuji Temple)

1400 Zeami completes the first three chapters of the Fuushi Kaden (Transmission of the Flower of Acting Style)「風姿花伝」

1404 Tally trade begins with Ming dynasty China (continued until 1547)

1428 Peasant uprising in Kyouto and surrounding provinces

1467 - 1477 Ounin Wars (応仁の乱)

1483 Ashikaga Yoshimasa settles at the villa that later becomes Ginkakuji - this becomes known as the center of Higashiyama culture.

1488 Adherents of the Joudo Shin Sect establish autonomous rule in Kaga Province(一個一揆 Single-minded Uprising)

1495 Sesshuu Touyou(雪舟 等楊) produces Haboku Sansuizu (Hanboku Landscape)「破墨山水図」

1543 Portugese arrive at Tanegashima and introduce firearms to Japan

1549 Francis Xavier arrives in Kyushuu and establishes the first Christian mission

1573 Overthrow of the Muramachi government - Oda Nobunaga exiles Ashikaga Yoshiaki (15th Ashikaka shougun) ending Muromachi Period

1568 - 1600 Azuchi-Momoyama Period  安土・ 桃山時代

1600 - 1868 Edo Period  江戸時代

1868 - 1912 Meiji Period  明治時代

1912 - 1926 Taishou Period 大正時代

1926 - 1989 Shouwa Period  昭和時代

1989 -    Heisei Period 平成時代